Total Monthly Payment $3,366.00 + GST on a two year Lease ($11/sq.ft) or 3,566.00 + GST on a one year lease ($12/sq.ft) or $3,766.00 + GST on a min. six month term ($13/sq.ft) FOR LEASE:SHOP/OFFICE- Richmond Industrial Park. This 2,400 sq.ft. shop space is in a multi-tenant building on 1.7 acres. SHOP: (76' x 30' +/-) Shop area offers a (14' x 16') electric lift overhead door, 110V and two 220V electrical plug- One ton overhead CRANE. Cement floors, ceiling fan, overhead unit heater, 18' +/- clear height, Washroom (Shared with Bay 5). OFFICE: 100 sq ft +/- (10' x 10') Office at back of shop, painted, fluorescent lighting The yard area is 120 feet deep +/-, so has good radius for truck turning, for shop access and parking. ZONING: IG- General Industrial RENT: $11/sq.ft. - $2,200.00+ GST NET COSTS: $5.83/sq.ft.- $ 1,166.00 + GST UTILITIES: INCLUDED Water/Heat, Tenant pays direct Power AVAILABLE: Today! SUPPLEMENTS: Total Monthly Payment, Floor Plan, Plot Plan. To view supplements not visible on this website contact Realtor®